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autologiQ Team Improves Lives

The team at autologiQ receives daily satisfaction for helping people afford a new set of tires, get advice from our virtual technicians or save hundreds of dollars on their insurance premiums.  But let’s face it, these struggles pale in comparison to the strife of extreme poverty that many children face in lesser developed nations.

On September 7th, 2023, autologiQ team members exchanged their laptops for working gloves to load thousands of pounds of food and household items into a shipping container destined for El Salvador. Through the organization Canada Food For Children, approximately 400 of these containers are sent annually to areas of need through the world.

“I’m personally inspired by the story of how Canada Food For Children came to be”, said President of autologiQ, Michael Smolders.

“After meeting Mother Theresa 40 years ago, a Canadian doctor dropped everything and built an organization to help the poorest of the poor. We want our team to be integrated with people and organizations that reflect that level of integrity and character.”

autologiQ has established 5 core values; trust, respect, empowerment, accountability and passion.  These core values help our management discern who to hire, promote to leadership positions and who our third-party partners are.

“With volunteer team-building events like these, we hope to demonstrate that our values are not something we preach, but something we do.”, said CEO, Jeffrey Newhouse.

Newhouse and our licensed technician even had a chance to use their technical training to use.  A vehicle donated to be shipped overseas need the autologiQ touch to get it running.

If you are an individual or organization in the Greater Toronto Area who is looking for an opportunity to serve the less fortunate, please contact Canada Food For Children at 905.274.9239

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